Friday, December 7, 2012

December Photo-A-Day Challenge

I have always seen these "challenges" and I thought doing it in December would be a perfect way to document the days leading up to Christmas.  As of now, I've stuck to this better than I have any workout "challenge" ;) Speaking of...I started Insanity on Wednesday and I am ridiculously sore, so pray for me that I keep it up! I plan on working out this morning before Kyle comes home this afternoon.  I. Can. Do. It!

December 1: View.  I went to Bellows Beach with my friend Mandee and her husband and kids.  I even got to see Kyle! Bellows is also a training area for the Marine Corps, so a lot of the area is gated off.  The beach is only open on weekends to the public and then there is another part of the beach that only people with a government ID can get into...where we went.

December 2: Favorite Holiday Movie.  I couldn't pick just one.  These 3 have to my all-time favorites. A Christmas Story has been my favorite ever since I can remember...we would always watch it on TBS when they showed it for 24 hours straight.  My dad is responsible for this favorite. White Christmas is another one of my dad's.  I remember enjoying this movie more and more in high school when dad would always sing the "Sisters" song.  And Love Actually is a college favorite...thanks Meg!

December 3: Red. Red EVERYTHING! Gift wrap, bags, bows, ornaments, and coffee cup.  All while watching Ellen's 12 Days of Giveaways! And fun little fact, a Staff Sergeant's wife from Kyle's platoon went to Tuesday's episode! I guess she went last year too! I told Kyle I will have to talk to her to see how she got tickets because next year I am going! And Meg, you are meeting me there! :)

December 4: Joyous. So thankful for the birth of my Savior.  JOY to the world!

December 5: Today's Temperature.  Boy has it been humid here! 99% humidity! YUCK! All the vog is making it humid.  And that's right, you heard me, VOG.  Not, fog.  Vog is volcanic air pollution.  There has been a lot of activity on the Big Island lately, so we've been very sticky and sweaty over here!

December 6: Shopping.  Amazon is how we do the majority of our shopping.  Not just because we live in Hawaii, but we love the prices and the free shipping on most items! Makes it easy to ship Christmas gifts :)

Hope you all are enjoying your time leading up to Christmas and trying to keep it as stress-free as possible!  If you're getting stressed, try to remember the true meaning of why we are celebrating.  The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  God sent him here to earth as a newborn baby to eventually die for our sins.  What a thing to praise!

1 comment:

  1. UM, I would LOVE to get on Ellen's 12 days of Giveaways! How amazing would that be? I think I am going to start watching a Christmas movie a day. The three you posted are all on "must watch" list, also The Holiday, Elf, and Just Friends (I am including that in the holiday movie category since it takes place during Christmas).
