Thursday, November 29, 2012

When my Marine is gone...

Well, the time has come again.  Kyle left yesterday for training at Bellows Beach (about 15 minutes from where we live) until the 7th.  I have had Kyle home for the past 3 months and it's been wonderful! BUT...I am wondering if I already forgot what it's like to have him gone :/ I'm glad this training is starting off short with 10 days and then we're working up to longer starting in January.  I like that :)

When Kyle is gone, my typical days consist of a possible sub job, working on Project life, reading, going to the beach, and this time of the year, Christmas shopping.

Here was my "day in the life" for today:

7:00 Woke up

7:45 Did yoga for the first time in a LONG time and boy is my body feeling it.  I'm trying to get into a better routine of yoga, running, and lifting weights.  Getting it done first thing in the morning is the toughest thing to do, but I always feel best when I do.

9:00 Showered, got ready for the day and headed into Honolulu.  I needed to make a Target run for stocking stuffers and also make a Costco run for necessities (water, guava juice, toilet paper, and they FINALLY had Dunkin Donuts coffee back and it was even $4 off!).

3:00 Home to work on a little bit of homework

5:00 Started working on project life...getting caught up! :)

Currently, I am watching NCIS reruns and waiting till 7:45 to head over to my neighbor, Rachael's house.  Her husband is gone training as well, so we are going to watch Grey's Anatomy :) Then I will come home get ready for bed, read a little, and then get a good nights rest for a sub day tomorrow at the school on base.

Even though my life may be a bit boring, I love it :) 

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