Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy 237th Birthday, Marine Corps!

Last night we celebrated the Marine Corps 237th Birthday at their annual birthday ball.  The Marine Corps Birth Day was November 10, 1775.  This is truly and experience unlike any other I have had in the Marine Corps.  We were not able to go to the ball last year, and the year prior we were in Oregon and went to a reserves ball, which was a little different than this one.  I have been thinking about how I want to tell you about the ball and I think being completely honest is best way to represent the Marine Corps and give you a glimpse into who they are.

To begin the night, I rode into Waikiki with my friend, Mandee and her husband, Stu.  Kyle was on sword detail, so he had to be down there for practice at 2:30 and the cocktail hour didn't start until 4:00.  We ended up getting there at 5:00 and I was able to hang out with Kyle and his friend, Todd.  Todd is visiting from Oregon and is a childhood friend of Kyle's.  We forgot about the Marine Corps Ball when he planned his trip, so luckily he was able to come with us.  During cocktail hour was a time to, well, start drinking.  What Marines do best :) Kyle, unfortunately, wasn't able to drink until after sword detail, which he was not too happy about, but he has to stand perfectly still throughout the ceremony which was about 30 minutes, so it's probably a good thing they don't let them drink :)

We relaxed and hung out before the ceremony and I got some pictures to document the evening.

Kyle and Todd before the ceremony

For some reason, this is the ONLY picture I got of us.  Luckily, it turned out! :)

My beautiful friend, Mandee

The ceremony is very traditional and began by the showing a ten minute video from the Commandant and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.  Next, the band coming and then the sword detail, with my handsome hubby.  They walk out, create a pathway for the colors (United States flag and Marine Corps flag) and then we stand for the National Anthem.  Next they describe one table that is set for the fallen Marines.  It has a white tablecloth symbolizing the purity of their intentions to respond to their country's call to arms, the single red rose reminds us of the families and loved ones who keep faith awaiting their return, the candle symbolizes the upward reach of their unconquerable spirits, a slice of lemon on the bead plate to remind us of their bitter fate, salt upon the bread plate symbolizes the families tears, the inverted glass reminds us that they cannot toast with us this night, and the chair is empty to remind us they are not here. Following, the guest of honor walks in, who was Major General (2 star) Ray "E-Tool" Smith.  Then the cake is walked in and is cut and then the oldest Marine takes the first bite, hands his cake to the youngest Marine to take the second bite to represent the passing of the old traditions to the new traditions.  After the cake, they wheel the cake out, followed by the guest of honor, then the colors, followed by Kyle and the sword detail.

     There is Kyle with his sword in his right hand with the birthday cake and Major General Smith (directly behind the cake).

After the sword detail walked out, the narrator began to speak and introduce Major General Smith by giving a mini biography.  There were Marines standing in the back on both sides of the room who were talking very loudly and being very disrespectful.  I kept waiting for the narrator to say something to them and at the very moment a table right across from us, a First Sergeant (he is an E-8 and is senior enlisted) stood up.  And this is what happened next:

First Sergeant stood up and in a stern voice said, "Wait! Wait! Can I say something?!" while having his hands up in the air implying stop while looking at the narrator.  He then proceeded with saying something along the lines of this, "Shut the f*** up! You are an f***ing disgrace and embarrassment.  And YOU! (Pointing in the opposite direction). SIT THE F*** DOWN! You are guests here and you need to show some f***ing respect!  You (pointing to one side) and you (pointing to the others), sit the f*** down and listen the f*** up!"

Needless to say, he got their attention and boy did they quiet down and find their seats quickly.  Someone needed to say something to them, but I wasn't expecting that.  Kyle thought it was awesome  because as Officers are not the ones who is supposed to yell, that's left for the senior enlisted :) Like I said, I am being honest about the Marine Corps, what makes them tick, and what makes them the best.  This would NEVER happen anywhere in the civilian world or I'd even venture to say, other military branches, which is why the Marine Corps is who they are.     

Next, the guest of honor gave a speech.  General Majors nickname is "E-Tool". An E-Tool is an entrenching tool that is a collapsable little shovel.  When he was an SPC (Staff Platoon Commander) at TBS (The Basic School) a Captain was convincing the Marines to only buy and use a particular knives, and he replied with, "They don't need a knife.  All they need is an e-tool.  It's bigger and better."  After that the Captain played a joke on him by bringing in a "bloody" e-tool to show that he used it to kill someone. After that, they started calling him "E-Tool".  He is a highly decorated Marine who has won the Navy Cross (second highest award offered to Marines), the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, two Silver Stars, two Legion of Merits, the Bronze Star with Valor, and three Purple Hearts. 

After Kyle returned from sword detail he told me that when they were standing outside ready to enter, General Smith told Kyle and the Captain next to him, "You Officers better not f*** this up."  Oh, Marines :)

After the ceremony it was time to drink, dance, and have a ball!  One thing I found interesting was that whenever they would greet someone they would say, "Happy Birthday."  This is not only the Marine Corps Birthday, it's all of their birthday :)

Kyle, Gunny Shaw, and Staff Sergeant Tyler.  They work in Kyle's platoon and he works very closely with Gunny Shaw.

After the ball was winding down, us and a few Marines from Kyle's platoon and their ladies walked across the street to a bar to hang out for awhile.  While we were there two different men bought drinks for them and thanked them for their service.  It's really nice to see and know that civilians still respect and honor Marines, even if they may or may not agree with the war we are currently still in. 

Marines are truly like no other breed; they are a breed in themselves.  People may not understand who they truly are, but Americans, and the world know that these are the men who will not back down.  I am proud to be a part of this rowdy, self-sacrificing, Marine Corps family.  Here are two quotes that sum up exactly what and who Marines are.

"Marines are about the most peculiar breed of human beings I have ever witnessed.  They treat their service as if it were some kind of cult, plastering their emblem on almost everything they own, making themselves up to look like insane fanatics with haircuts ungentlemanly short, worshipping their Commandant almost as if he were a god, and making weird animal noises like a band of savages.  They will fight like rabid dogs at the drop of a hat just for the sake of a little action and are the cockiest SOB's I have ever known.  Most have the foulest mouths and drink well beyond a man's normal limits.  But, their high spirits and sense of brotherhood set them apart and generally speaking the United States Marines I have come in contact with are the most professional soldiers and the finest men I have had the pleasure to meet."

Anonymous Canadian Citizen, 1969

"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen.  Thank God for the United States Marine corps!"

Eleanor Roosevelt, 1945


  1. Brittney, I love this! I sometimes struggle too with my blogs for my family...should I be completely honest? Or try to sugar coat the Marine Corps? haha! So funny, Jordan would have loved it too-I am going to have to tell him to read this one :)

  2. Isn't that tough?! I don't want to offend family or friends, but at the same time, this is WHO they are and the life WE live in :) As crazy as it is (and some of them are) I love it!
