Saturday, November 24, 2012

Oregon Visit to Meet My 2nd Niece

My niece, Alexis Shyanne, was born October 8th and I desperately wanted to see her before she got too old.  So, I flew home on November 10th and was able to spend a wonderful 10 days with family in the beautiful, rainy Oregon!

First time holding my niece! She is so adorable!

Family photo.  Just missing Kyle...

I flew in at 3:30 and my cousin, Emily's, wedding was at 7 in Portland.  So thankful I could make it! Here she is with her HUSBAND, Ben :)

The Olaen Family (Mom's side).  Just missing 5 others!

Olaen cousins: Me, Sarah, Meg, and Janell

After the wedding I went down to Springfield with Megan to spend time with her, Lexi, and Greg.


Her little lips!

I was loving this! But not enough to have one of my own yet ;)

What a fun smile :)

She loved being held like this.

Grandma and Lexi

The night I went back to mom and dad's, dad was coaching a middle school basketball game, so I went along to watch and got suckered into keeping book...almost had to ref!

Cutie Patootie!

My face pretty much summarizes my evening with her.  Tyler was working, Dad and Mom had practice, and Kat left for work when Macie was napping.  I had to wake her up so she could fall asleep later.  She cried a bit and cuddled and then realized she was alone...with me! She kept cuddling, while refusing to look at my face and whimpering and crying :( I think I sang, "Jesus Loves Me" about fifty times trying to sooth her.  After awhile I tried playing with her, but she wasn't having it, then I fed her and she loved me finally :)

Macie being a silly goose

I took Ty and Kat to a Blazer game my last night in town. 

It was fun going to a professional sporting event...we don't have any in Hawaii!

Oregon decided to say goodbye to me in a true Northwest fashion.  I LOVED IT!

My time went way to fast! It is so fun to be able to go home and visit family and I am so thankful to be able to do so.  Kyle found out (as of now) he will not be going to California for training like he first thought at the beginning of the year, so we are most likely going to make a trip home to Oregon TOGETHER in February! :) 


  1. So glad you were able to make it out to meet little Lexi! Looks like you guys had a great time!! .... by the way... how did you get around the picture limit thing? It just happened to me last night! I'm tempted to pay the $2.50/month but really don't want to!

  2. Thanks! I was so glad I could make it home to meet her! And about the picture limit...I am uploading my pictures to Photobucket now and then using the "direct html" link. I copy the link and go back to my blog and then when I click to add a picture, I click on the one to share through a URL, then paste it and TA-DA! :) It is a bit more time consuming seeing as I have to upload to Photobucket and then go through the whole process, but I really don't want to have to pay.
