Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crazy, but Not-So-Crazy Life

Sorry I have been away from blogging over the past month!  I truly want to become a “blogger”, but I am having such a difficulty in my crazy, but not-so-crazy life.  Am I making sense? :)  I will fill you in about what’s been going on in this life of living with a fun roommate in Hawaii, being jobless, doing homework, watching Netflix and visiting Oregon. 

On January 31st, I went to PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) like I do every single Tuesday morning.  This particular Tuesday I was invited to go out to lunch with a group of women.  I drove a woman named Jenny to the restaurant we were going to eat at.  Her husband is deployed to Afghanistan and Kyle is away, so we were discussing how difficult it is to have our spouses away and I was asking questions about how different it is to have him in a combat zone.  We were chatting away about how lonely we both were and all of a sudden she blurted out, “Move in with me!” I turned to her thinking, “Girl…I barely know you!” :)  We started talking more and later that day I talked to Kyle and decided I should put in our notice to move out of our studio…so I did! 

Two days later I moved what little of what we had over to Jenny’s beautiful home in Kaneohe, which has a magnificent view of the bay.  I stayed with her for five days, until I flew home to visit family.  But within those five days we got to know each other much better.  We both are taking Masters courses online, we both have curly hair, we both enjoy working out and do it together now, and we both love to lounge around and watch Netflix.  Recently, we finished season 1 and 2 of Downton Abbey.  And we are in love! I know many of the female Olaen cousins watch it, so I recommend it to the rest of you!

The view from Jenny's lanai of Kaneohe Bay

As I mentioned, I was able to fly home for just under three weeks.  It was a wonderful, relaxing time to spend with family and I was able to see KYLE! :)  Here is a recap of a few things I did while home:

Snowshoeing with my parents and Larry, Darcy, Josh, and their new dog Stella

This was after Dads and my 8 mile run the straights and downhills/walk the uphills with the dogs. I did a few nice walks with Dad while I was home.

I was able to go down to Springfield to visit Megan and Greg and also meet up with some relatives.  Thanks again Aunt Linda and Uncle Dennis for dinner at Outback!

Kyle's first time holding our niece, Macie.  She seemed to really love him :)

I was so happy to finally see Kyle after 5 weeks! What a handsome guy ;) We had a busy 2 1/2 days filled with seeing people, but I'm glad I was able to see him again.

The Adams Family. We had professional pictures taken this day as well, so I'll post those when I get them! I don't have the camera that got the Durant family (so someone email it to me please!) 

The roommates reunited! Plus their wives and fiances. We were so blessed to have them take time to come out to dinner.  Kyle hadn't been home since last March and desperately wanted to see all of his friends.  Thanks for making it happen guys!

When these guys get together you never know what could happen ;)

While I was home I was lucky enough to go out with some cousins to celebrate Sarah's birthday! We had delicious Lebanese food and they gave her a free dessert, princess hat and played a birthday song over their stereo system :) (Sorry your eyes are closed Janell!!!)

Sorry again for those of you (if there are any of you ;) ) who check my blog and haven’t seen any new posts!  I’ll try my best to post before a month goes by again! AND…be praying because we are the next ones on the housing list to get a house! But…I’ve been waiting for a phone call to tell us we have a house and it’s been over 2 weeks now.  So, as you can imagine, I am going insane waiting a tad bit anxious!


  1. The whole "crazy, but not-so-crazy life" thing makes PERFECT SENSE to a fellow military wife! ;-)

  2. I know, right?! Glad you can relate :)
