Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm a Single Wife.

Well.  Kyle has been gone almost 3 weeks now, and my life has been interesting as a Single Wife.  That is a term I made up.  I hope you like it. :) It's my description of being married, but your husband is not there to share in your life.  I know. I know. That's a little sad, but honestly, it has been a great time for me to grow independently, which may be a tough reality once Kyle gets back and allowing him to do things. :) A woman at Bible study said the other day that it is hard as a military wife and Christian woman because when our husbands are gone we need to be independent and take on things we never would have before.  We get used to being independent and then once our husbands return home we struggle with submitting to them as the man of the household.  Hopefully, since we don't have a house yet, it's difficult to get into too much of a routine, so I'm praying our transition when he returns will be a bit easier than others. :)  

Now about the housing situation, it's been 3 months and 26 days since we moved here.  When we first got here we were told, "The housing waiting list is 1-4 months.  You should be in a place soon."  Well, we are 4 days away from our many think we'll be in a house?! ;)  Unfortunately, we are still 17th on the waiting list and they changed our wait to 2-6 months, but I have given it up to God because I know he's having us WAIT for a reason and I will "learn to be content whatever the circumstances" Philippians 4:11.

While I wait patiently for our house and try to let time go quickly while Kyle is gone, I have actually been keeping fairly busy! Here is what I've been up to:

Dinner and board games with our new friends (Ben and Trisha next to Kyle) and our friends from TBS (Patrick and Stephanie who are expecting their first child, a boy, in May!)

I have been attending PWOC (Protestant Women Of the Chapel).  It is a Bible study at the base chapel.  I have met some wonderful women who are helping me grow spiritually.  This is the book we just started studying 2 weeks ago. 
 I've been running a lot.  Trying to get back into shape and this day I beat my 3.6 mile run by 2 minutes! Still not very fast, just under a 10 minute mile, but I'm working on it! 

 Our new wait time.  2-5 months.  Come on house! :)

HUGE waves at Pyramid Rock on base.  I was there with Stephanie and Patrick to watch a body surfing competition.  Couldn't get good shots of the body surfers.

I've been going to the chiropractor 3 times a week to correct my neck and lower back.  I had minor scoliosis in my lower back and barely had a curve in my neck.  Kyle and I decided the money would be worth getting my body fixed...especially since I'm only 24! 

 Julie, me, Steph, and Trisha.  We had a taco night.  We all brought part of the meal with our husbands (minus Kyle) and I had a blast.  So thankful to have these women while Kyle is gone.

Kalama Beach! Went here for the first time the other day and I love it! It's only a 5 minute drive from our studio! 

 Julie's cutie patootie daughter, Aubrey! 

 Julie and I went to a Women of Hope night at our church.  They had this fun photo prop at the end for fun!

 Lanikai Beach.  Another favorite.  Spent Sunday after church with Julie and her husband, Ben, and Trisha and her husband, who is also a Ben. :)

I've been editing my photos on photoshop which I downloaded.  Been getting used to it and trying to learn, but I like it so far! Also watching one of Kyle's and my favorite shows, Justified and watched Southland, another favorite, prior to this! :) Kyle is watching them in Cali, so we can talk about them after we watch.  It's sorta like watching them together, right? :)

Now who has heard of Pinterest?! Or should I ask, who hasn't?! If you haven't, click here and you'll be able to browse around. Be warned.  It is VERY addicting! It is a virtual bulletin board where you post pictures of things you like and share them.  People can view your pictures and "repin" them onto a board of theirs.  I have been using it A LOT lately!  I use it for house inspiration and DIY projects.  There are so many things I want to do! BUT...I can't start them until we have a house! UGH! I will write another post later about ALL my ideas to make our house a home. :) 

Well, there's a bit of what I've been up too! Hope you've enjoyed my semi-enjoyable life as a single wife here in Hawaii. :)


  1. I loved catching up with you through your blog! I'm sorry you and Kyle have to be apart for so long, but it sounds like you are being blessed in the meantime!

  2. Glad you are keeping busy while he is away! You are right though, sometimes it is almost as hard to adapt to them coming home as it is to adapt to them being gone! It's a never ending cycle. Hawaii looks so beautiful!! Your pictures make me feel the need to go on a vacation!
