Friday, January 13, 2012

Saying goodbye to my Marine

Well, it will be one week tomorrow since Kyle left.  When we drove to the airport last Saturday, we didn't have enough time to park so I couldn't walk in with him.  Boy was that a mistake! We got in a quick goodbye, hug, and kiss, but then the guards made me rush back to the truck and leave.  From here on out, whenever he is leaving for a long period of time I am going to be with him till the last second possible.  The goodbye we had just doesn't suffice.  Maybe to make up for our lack of goodbye, I'll make a sign to welcome him home...I'm sure he'd love that. ;)

Pulling up to say goodbye...

For those of you who don't know, Kyle left for his MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) School.  His school is to train him with AAV's (Amphibious Assault Vehicles).  He seems to be settling in alright in his little "dorm room" style motel room.  There are two bedrooms with a small living area with a refrigerator and microwave.  Looks like he'll be eating at the chow hall for most of his time there.  He also has a roommate who he has yet to meet.  I find this completely bizarre by the way. If there were two girls who hadn't met, but shared a room, they'd be chatting it up with each other in an instant! Or at least go knock on the others door if they knew they were there to introduce themselves.  Boys are weird.

Hopefully while Kyle is at school I can talk him into writing a few blog posts about his time there.  I may need some family to encourage him though. :)  We bought a new camera (not a dslr, but that WILL be soon!) so I can use the new one to take better pictures for Project Life and Kyle can use the older one to take to work and out to the field with him.  And about Project Life, I will start posting pictures once I get everything I need...still waiting for the plastic page protectors to become available in February and then I'll get started.  I CAN'T WAIT! :)

Now when it comes to me...well, this week seemed to last forever, but at the same time it didn't seem to bad.  Night one was rough without Kyle, but I survived and I can survive the rest. :)  Classes are keeping me very busy, along with sub jobs here and there.  Kyle and I are looking for flights home to Oregon around President's Day weekend.  He will fly in for the weekend, but I will stay longer.  I'm trying to figure out how long I want to stay...maybe 2 weeks.  Since we're paying rent I don't want to be gone too long, but at the same time, we don't have a house or our belongings, so I DO want to be gone awhile.  Hmmm....decisions, decisions. Along with not having our things, I have been hanging on till the last minute to go clothes shopping, but I'm about to burst...we only have the clothes we packed in our suit case and I'm going nuts!  I think a trip to Honolulu is in store for this next week. :)

I pray this time apart for Kyle and I will go fast and smooth.  I pray we grow stronger as a couple and individually.  I also pray that if Kyle gets deployed in the future, that this is a way the Lord is preparing us for that.  Thank you all for your continuous prayers and love.  We appreciate, love and miss you all!

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