Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Last 4 Months in Pictures

*tap tap*

Is this thing on?

Wow, it has been, well it's been about four months.  Sorry I have been lacking in the blog department, but I have been making up for it in life!  We celebrated 3 years of marriage, Kyle's been to South Korea, I have been to Mexico, family surprised me in Hawaii, and much more.  Here's a recap of our last four months.  

Mandee and I got to meet three actors from the TV show Sons of Anarchy.  A show that we both love! They came to Pearl Harbor for a free meet and greet for military families!

We were thankful to be able to be together for our 3rd anniversary.  We went to Lanikai and relaxed on the beach like we did the year before.  Thankful for these last 3 years!

The day after Kyle left, my friend Amy was putting on a women's night for military spouses.  It was a little black dress party at a hair salon where we got free blow outs, then were able to go upstairs and enjoy free foot massages from a massage parlor, all the while enjoying wine and chocolate!

 Kyle went for a month long training in South Korea.  Here he is with a few of the Korean Marines.

Part of his time in Korea, they went out on ship.  This picture is from where Kyle sits in the AAV when they are in the water.

This is the DMZ.  Kyle took this picture facing North Korea.  The soldiers you see are South Koreans standing guard.

While Kyle was there, he got in touch with two exchange students who went to his high school!  It's amazing how Facebook can keep people connected!

Kyle also got to meet up with Jesse!  Jesse was one of Kyle's roommates in college.  He is currently living and teaching kindergartners in South Korea.

Kyle's last day he was able to go to a Korean baseball game.  To me it seems like he had more of a vacation than work. :)

I was thankful to stay busy subbing while Kyle was gone, every day of the week!  I treated myself to Starbucks and a good book on a Friday after a full week of subbing.

So, this was pretty much amazing.  My dad was coming for a visit, I go to the airport to pick him up, I get out of the car for a hug, he is holding up his phone, so I ask him what he is doing and then Megan and Lexi walk around from behind a pillar!  Awesomesauce! We got to spend 10 days together...I loved every minute!

When Kyle was away and family left, I spend a lot of time with this girl.  Marcella had her first dance recital, so of course I had to watch this adorable little lion!

The day before Kyle got back, Toby Keith came to Kbay for a FREE concert! Bummed Kyle missed out, but glad I had friends to go with!

 So, we decided that we will collect Starbucks coffee mugs wherever we go and Kyle remembered! Look how detailed this Seoul one is!

Our friends Kyle and Aimee moved to the North Shore.  We are totally bummed they aren't as close to us now, but we enjoyed seeing where they live and staying the night with them!

 Kyle FINALLY received his 3rd ribbon!  He was so excited!  The left ribbon is the National Defense Ribbon and the middle is the Global War on Terror, which are both given to anyone who joins.  Kyle wanted something he EARNED.  Finally he received the far right one which is The Korea Defense Service medal which is when you serve over 30 days in Korea.

 Kyle had meetings he needed to attend at Camp Pendleton in San Diego.  His dad just so happened to be there for work too!  They were able to catch a baseball game together!  Lucky coincidence!

 Luke was Platoon Commander before Kyle took his spot.  He is getting out of the Marine Corps and moving back to New York.  Kyle's Captain had a going away BBQ for him.  Kyle sure is going to miss him.  He's a great guy!

 I started attending a new workout class.  I LOVE IT! And look at that view!

 Initially, Kyle was supposed to be gone for training, so I planned on going to Mexico with my family...he ended up not having training, but my tickets were already purchased, so I went and enjoyed myself!  Here's the family that was able to come in Puerto Vallarta...missing Kyle and Katrina. 

 Tequila!  The ones in the group who tested the flavors! They had almond, coconut cream, peanut butter, and coffee with vanilla and chocolate!

 We spent time in the pool to keep the kiddos away from the sand.

 Our resort had a ton of parrots!  Macie loved them, but in this picture it just squawked at her, so she was a bit timid.

Every day we did happy hour!  Unfortuntately, we didn't try these smoothies till the last day!  Delicious!

Loved being able to spend time with my precious nieces.

We walked to the zoo at the resort and we saw he precious fawn on the right and he looked so tiny and to have just been born.  Sure enough, we see the mom give birth, right in front of us to the baby on the left!  It was a miracle!  I love that in any language we know what a miracle is...there were locals there too and when the mom was pushing they were clapping, we were clapping and when she finally gave birth we all cheered!  Of all places, I expected a deer to be born in Oregon where we see them born all the time, not in Mexico!  But it was fantastic!

Trying to get a family picture with little ones :)


 I got home late on July 3rd and Kyle had an overnight "mandatory fun night" with his company, so I didn't see him till the morning of the 4th.  We decided to relax for our 4th.  Part of our downtime was Kyle shooting his bow and me watching him.  He's getting good :)

 Two weeks ago, my dad's cousin Frank, his wife, Kaureen, and their daughter, Ashley came on vacation to Hawaii.  I met up with them at Lanikai and them drove them around the Marine Corps base, so they could get a feel for where I live. 

I told Kyle that it was nasty and pouring rain outside, so he sent me a picture from where he was on the big island.  I sent him one from our bedroom, my view at the time.  I like seeing what his view is and my view is when we are in different places.

Here I am in the front!  My exhausting, fantastic workout class I joined!  I just finished a 2 week intense program, where we did strength 3 days a week and endurance 2 days a week. 

I went with Mandee, Mar and Maddox to see the new movie Turbo.  It was adorable and it was my first movie experience with little ones.  It was an experience :)

 Where Kyle works on the Big Island.  Pretty, huh?

 On Monday, I hiked with my friend, Valerie (left), Amy (middle), and Amy's girls, Eliana and Madelyn to Makapu'u Lighthouse!  We left at 0620 and it was a beautiful morning!

Thanks for bearing with me through this photo dump!  I could have posted a hundred more, but now that I'm caught up I will hopefully stay on top of this blog posting thing more. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been wondering where you were!!! Haha just kidding, I have been in a blog slump myself. When you let too much time go by, it gets overwhelming to catch up! Love your guys' Starbucks Mug tradition, we actually started the same thing when we moved to Virginia! As always, love all your pictures from Hawaii!
