Friday, March 22, 2013

The Great Northwest

Kyle and I arrived back to the island a little over a week ago from our 10 day trip home to Oregon. Other than Kyle being home in February 2012 for a total of less than 36 hours, he hadn't been home since before we left for TBS in Virginia back in March 2011.  So, this vacation home was much needed for him.  We also took 3 days to fly down to Sacramento with Larry, Kyle's dad, who was also partaking in some business.  Kyle and I are looking for options in case we decide to get out of the Marine Corps.  Many things come into play...he doesn't really want to, I want him to, he needs to get selected to Captain or he can't stay only time will tell and we're praying God clearly shows us the way.  In Sacramento, Kyle went on a ride along with Sacramento Police Department and we looked around Davis to get a feel for the neighborhood.  After our time there and in Oregon, Kyle said, "It really is nice being near friends and family" when referring to Oregon. :)

The night we flew in we stayed at Kyle's sister, Darcy, and her husband, Josh's new house.  Then the very next morning Kyle asked them to take him to the gun store.  So this was the VERY first thing Kyle did one our first full day in Oregon.  I believe our gun collection is complete now...well, I hope :)

After our first day in Oregon we flew down to Sacramento and look what plane we got to fly on.  Kyle was a tad bit excited!

We spent our day walking around downtown and historic Sacramento.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day!

When Kyle was on his ride along from 3pm to midnight, Larry and I went to a King's game with some people he knew from work.  

Reunited with my niece, Lexi! :)

When we got back from California, we went down to Springfield to spend the night with Megan, Greg, and Alexis.  This was Kyle's first time meeting Alexis! This night we went out to pizza with the Olaen's, my moms side of the family.   

I love being with them! I cannot get enough of Lexi :)


Here are Kyle's two little nieces, Macie (18 months) and Lexi (5 months), along with his brother-in-law, Greg.

Since the whole family was together, Mom set up family pictures, but this was a little photo shoot of our own.  Here are Tyler, Katrina, and Macie, who had a poor little tummy ache :(

Here's Grandma, Lexi, and Grandpa! :)

Uncle Kyle and his niece, Alexis! I'm glad he's getting more and more comfortable with babies :)

We also got to meet up with my best friend from college, Amanda, and her husband, Juan, and sweet kids, Sofia and Jakoby.  I lived with Amanda and Juan when we were finishing up college and they had recently gotten married.  We also lived together for the first 8 months of Sofi's life! Kyle would visit a lot since we were engaged and that was she was his first real experience with a baby and she had colic.  Poor thing! And when I say poor thing you can take that as Sof AND Kyle! :)  The last time I saw Amanda was 2 years ago when she was days away from giving birth to Koby! It was on our drive to Virginia we swung by her place in Hermiston to say one last goodbye.  We definitely need to see each other sooner next time!

 I also got to go on a nice little 4 mile walk with my mom and the dogs in Colton.  I really do miss the scenery! 

I got to see my great childhood friend, Jess! Kyle and I went to dinner with her and her fiancĂ©, Joel, then we got frozen yogurt and indulged in the season finale of The Bachelor! Kyle was a real trooper to hang in there during the 3 hour show! Boy, I love him :)  

Jess, Stephanie (her roommate and friend from high school), and Joel made The Bachelor into a Fantasy game, like Fantasy Football.  It. Was. AWESOME!  I think I will have to do this in the future with friends and maybe that will get Kyle interested in the whole season ;)

Our last night at my parents, my mom and dad gave Kyle his birthday presents early.  He got an OSU pint glass and a Benny the Beaver pillow pet! Macie had a U of O pillow pet and Kyle was playing with her and trying to get her to play with the beaver one instead of the duck, but every time he got close she refused and would push it away! I think my dad trained her ;)

Kyle and his dad with the dogs, Stella and Hattie, in the Durant's newly landscaped yard!

Before getting dropped off at the airport, we went to breakfast with Rhonda and Darcy.  A great little send off :)

AMAZING view when we were landing back in Honolulu!

Finally, a little news from Hawaii:

A day before we flew to Oregon, Kyle's platoon was in the field for exercises.  Their last day there they invited a few spouses and girlfriends to DRIVE the tracs (aka Amphibious Assault Vehicles)!!!  So, I got to drive the 20 ton vehicle!  Of course, I was the first one to drive it, I was nervous as heck, and Kyle told me to put in "3rd" gear, but he never told me to change gears while driving.  I was so nervous I didn't want to break anything or crash, but then he told me after I could have switched gears to go faster.  Well, there better be a next time then! :)

A few days after we arrived back on island, the USO was putting on a free meet and greet with three actors from the TV show Sons of Anarchy.  It is about a motorcycle gang.  I didn't think it would be my cup of tea, but Kyle got me hooked on the show when we were dating and I've loved it ever since! Kyle had duty the day before, so he was exhausted and decided to pass, but my friend, Mandee, and I decided to go.  It was a blast!  We only got about three minutes with them to say hello, get a picture, and get their autographs, but I loved it!  I LOVE meeting celebrities and I am in love with pop culture (thanks to my father)!  I was star struck by them, I couldn't imagine meeting someone like Ryan Gosling.  Oh my! :)

P.S.  We didn't just hang out with my friends...Kyle hung out with his old college roommates, including Greg, and some other friends, BUT he is not a picture taker like I am.  I try and Try and TRY to encourage him and he really does try, but he "forgot" to get a roommate picture. ;)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! I didn't even realize the guys didn't take a roommate pic. Those stinkers! This is why wives need to go with them, we document everything :)
