Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka!

Well, our Christmas wasn’t ideal this year.  We didn’t have any family with us and we still don’t have a house or our belongings.  According to Kyle, “There was no Christmas 2011”.  He’s being a tad overdramatic, but I have to agree it was a Christmas unlike any other. 

On Christmas Eve we went to the Sheratan Hawaii Bowl at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu.  Southern Mississippi vs University of Nevada…not really the best Bowl game or teams for that matter, but the tickets were free and it was something to keep us busy. 

Aloha Stadium...very empty!

We started in the shade, but moved to the section that was facing the sun.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but it got a little chilly!

Beautiful rainbow when we were leaving the stadium!

Since we’ve been married less than 2 years we are still trying to merge our family traditions together and even create some of our own.  Kyle said they would always be able to open up a gift on Christmas Eve, so I decided we could do that…at least for now. :)  Kyle gave me a bigger gift and was very anxious for me to open it.  He has a tough time keeping secrets, so that’s what I thought he was so giddy for.  I ripped off the wrapping paper, and it was an Amazon box, so I continued to open the top and what was inside? Well…it was two smaller gifts that were wrapped!  Kyle starts laughing and proceeds to tell me that was the one gift I could open. Ha ha, very funny (if there was a sarcasm font, I would use it here).  We decided we would pick the gift we wanted the other person to open.  I think that may be a tradition we’ll keep…I know I would have loved that as a kid!

After opening our gifts, we drove to Hope Chapel for Christmas Eve service.  This is the church we have been going to the last couple of weeks.  We were invited by the McDaniel’s (friends of ours from Oregon) to go on Friday nights.  They have been attending on Friday evenings, so they can have their Sunday’s free.  Kyle has enjoyed the Friday service, but I think we may switch to Sunday mornings because it’s what we’re used to and I’ve heard there are a lot more couples around our age.  Anyway, Christmas Eve service was wonderful.  I always enjoy church around Christmas.  And I love, Love, LOVE the worship band!  The lead singer has been blessed with a beautiful voice.  And they sang one of my favorite Christmas songs, Oh Holy Night. Here are some of the beautiful lyrics:

“Oh holy night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appear’d and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!”

By 5:00am Christmas morning I was awaken by screams from the two little girls who live next to us.  Our studio is attached to the family’s house we are renting from.  At first, I admit I was a bit of a Grinch and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep.  But then I was thinking about those girls and listening to their excitement of Santa Clause and it made me think about our future kids.  I bet being a parent and seeing the magic and excitement of Christmas come alive through your kids will be a joyous time. :) 

Then around 5:30am I became a Grinch once again when my child, I mean husband, woke up and started tapping me and telling me to wake up so we can open presents.  All I wanted to do was sleep!  I asked Kyle to wait till at least 8am and he was sweet enough to wait for me.  Since it was just us, we got our stockings and opened them together and followed stockings by taking turns opening our presents from each other and family that was kind enough to ship all the way to Hawaii!  We were very blessed this year! Thank you family!

Best wrapping paper ever! Our stockings combined. Kyle's treat for Santa. Watching "A Christmas Story" (tradition in my family).

One of my favorite TV shows! Kyle with all his amazing gifts! Kyle with his all-time favorite board game, The Settlers of Catan. All my goodies!

Since we’re in Hawaii we HAD to go the beach on Christmas. So that’s exactly what we did. :)  We went to my favorite beach to relax.  Lanikai Beach has beautiful, calm water with the softest sand AND it’s only 5 minutes from where we live!  We spent an hour relaxing on the beach and taking in the sun, but then we had to get back home to start cooking Christmas dinner.

Kyle in the beautiful water on Christmas day. How weird!

In my new cover up dress to wear to the beach, thanks to my in-laws! :)

We were meeting up with a family who is from Oregon.  Kyle used to work with C.J. in high school and he is stationed out here as well.  He has his wife Sarah and their little 5 year old son Clayton.  They have been so kind to invite us over while we were at the lodge and even now when we don’t have much space.  For dinner, Kyle made a 7-layer salad that he LOVES and it was a big hit!  Good job, Kyle!  We also made my mother-in-law’s yam recipe for the first time and it turned out AH-MAZING!  I think we’ll have to make it for more dinners than just holiday meals. 

We had a delicious dinner! They made the ham and mashed potatoes and had rolls to round out our meal.  It was a great Christmas dinner for being the first one without our families.  Hopefully next year we’ll be able to host some of our family in our house…if we ever get one! :) We ended our night by played a board game the McDaniel’s got us for Christmas called “The Logo Game”.  Basically, you need to watch a lot of TV, surf the Internet a ton, or just have an immense amount of knowledge about “things”.  You have to ask questions about logos or companies.  Needless to say, I think Kyle and I watch too much TV. ;)  I also believe my Dad would ROCK at this game with all of his trivia knowledge!

Kyle, Clayton, and CJ

It was nice to get a picture with a full size tree!

Christmas day we talked to our families a couple times throughout the day thanking them for our gifts and seeing how they liked our gifts and in general, just trying to make Christmas feel like we are still “with” each other even though we aren’t.  I am glad the holiday season is over because it really didn’t feel like it this year and I’m already anxious for next year when we will have our belongings and a house and I am going to decorate like a Crazy-Christmas Woman! :)

One blessing about this year is that I have been able to focus more on why we celebrate Christmas…and that is God sending his son to Earth to be born, live without sin, and ultimately dying for our sins.  Not that family takes away from me focusing on Jesus and all He has done for us, but I have had more time to think, praise and thank God for all He’s done.  Luckily, we have found a church that we enjoy…just in time for Christmas! Praise the Lord!  I am ultimately thankful I am free to celebrate the greatest gift we have all been given…Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Ralphy wrapping paper! Also cracked up at Kyle's expression holding "Settlers"
