Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday Ramblings: Find a book and get lost in it

Reading has been a passion of mine ever since I was a little girl.  I remember reading books on a daily basis and especially before bed.  Even when we would take the 2 hour drive to my Grandma's I would pack up about 30 books (Berenstain Bears mostly) to read during our trip.  Then the older I became it was The Babysitters Club, Goosebumps, and Little House on the Prairie.  Well, now that I am 25 years old I still have a desire to read.  Through college my leisure reading dwindled, but now that I am ALMOST done with my Masters, I am trying to read more.  SO MUCH MORE!  One reason is that when I begin teaching again, reading is one passion I want to instill in my students.  I know not everyone loves to read, my husband included (which kills me by the way), but I want them to experience what I do when I am so deeply connected to a story and the characters that I feel I am a part of the story itself.  It is such a unique feeling and I think these sayings off Pinterest describe it perfectly:

I thought I would share some of my all-time favorite books.  When I was compiling this list, I find it very interesting that some of them are adolescent novels.  Who'd've thought? A upper elementary/middle school teacher enjoying adolescent novels. ;)  Here is a list of my favorite books with a little description:

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

This is by far one of my favorite Christian novels.  This is a retelling of Hosea and Gomer that is based in the 1850's during the California Gold Rush.  Angel is sold into prostitution at a young age and as a woman, a man named Michael obeys God's call to marry her.  This story follows is unconditional love for her and how he shows her God's love. The way Francine Rivers writes is captivating, which is why another favorite of mine is...

The Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers 

The first and second novels are taking place during the Jewish-Roman War, 70 years after Christ's death.  This story follows Hadassah, a Jewish girl, who is captured and taken in as a slave by Marcus' father in Rome.  She struggles to keep her faith, while at the same time having to keep it a secret.  Marcus and Hadassah have a relationship that could possibly blossom in spite of his lack of belief and villainous sister.

The Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling

I don't think there is a need to summarize.  All I am going to say is I am not into fantasy, so I wasn't sure I would enjoy these, but boy was I wrong!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The first book in this trilogy was by far my favorite, but it is worth it to read the others as well.  It is definitely and intriguing concept (children fighting to the death on national television), but it's worth it to read and I would feel allow 7th grade students to read this, but if you children are younger, I would use your best judgement.  I know plenty of 5th grade students who have read it and were mature enough for the content. 

Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell

I am usually a fiction reader, but this book is amazing.  No matter where you stand on the political realm or how you feel about the war, this book is a must read.  Like the cover of the book says this is "The eyewitness account of Operation Redwing and the lost heroes of Seal Team 10".  Marcus Luttrell was the only man from Seal Team 10 who survived a firefight in the mountains along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, which ended up being the largest loss of life in American Navy Seal history.  READ THIS BOOK.

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Very similar to The Hunger Games where this is based in a dystopian society.  There are five groups of people: Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent).  At 16 you take tests that show you which group you will best fit with and then you get to choose.  This book follows Beatrice/Tris, the decision she makes, and how her views of her society change after her tests.  This is part of a trilogy and the second book, Insurgent, came out last Spring.  The last book comes out Spring 2013 and I can't wait! I'm reading this while the author writes, unlike Harry Potter, where all the books were out when I started reading! 

The Giver by Lois Lowry

I am sure most of you were required to read this in middle school, but if you haven't or if you haven't read it since then, then read it again!  A quick read and worth your time!

I have plenty of other books I have read, but those are a few of my all-time favorites.  Now I am going to make a list of books I desperately want to read and I WILL read! :)  If you have any other suggestions, lemme know!

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult

The Redemption Series by Karen Kingsbury (I have already read the first two, just need to finish)

Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres

One for the Money by Janet Evanovich (there are 19 books so these would keep me busy!)

Now get to reading! :) The following book is the one I just started today:

 And I plan to read a bit tonight and I also plan to take advice from this saying below, which I always seem to do:

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