Saturday, October 27, 2012

Picture limit...?

So, I started editing my picture banner at the top of my blog and it said my picture limit was full and I need to purchase more space to upload pictures.  I went through to delete some pictures from my web album where all the pictures are stored, but then they delete the pictures on my blog!  Has anyone ever had this problem?  What do you suggest to do? It's only $2.50 a month, but I don't post enough and I really only post for family.  So, is $30 a year worth it?  I know it isn't that much, but I'm being cheap :)  Has anyone used WordPress or know about their picture limit?  I need to do some research.  This blows!

And P.S. we currently have a tsunami warning! We have been hearing the announcements over the system saying to move to higher ground or to the Officers Club or Gym if you are in an evacuation area.  Luckily, we are safe and high on a hill! If it hits, it is supposed to hit in 25 minutes...I'll keep you updated!


  1. I had the same things happen to me a couple weeks ago! Blogger will still let me upload pictures to posts, but not to my header or side board. Not sure what to do it about it & I'm like you, I don't want to pay for it. Right now I'm just glad it'll still let me upload pics to my posts!

  2. Thanks, Marilyn! I haven't tried another post yet, but I will and see if it works! If not I think I'll have to use a third party source to store my photos, like photobucket or flicker. Thats what I came to find out from all my Google searches.
