Monday, October 14, 2013

A Visit from Mom and Dad

A few days after Kyle left for deployment, my parents flew in to visit.  They had their trip planned before he found out about his deployment, but it worked out perfectly.  Kyle left September 8th and my parents flew in on the 12th.  They stayed for two weeks and we all discussed that it flew by, but at the same time it felt like they were here for a lot longer than just 2 weeks!  We spent a lot of time at the beach, going on a hike, and just spending down time at my house.  I'll let the pictures tell you a little about their trip.

 The first day they arrived Dad went golfing and Mom and I walked with him the back 9.  Beautiful course on base.

We went on a sunset cruise in Waikiki to watch the fireworks that are set off every Friday night.  It was a great cruise and beautiful night!

Sailboats were out everywhere!

FIREWORKS from the ocean!

I took them to Bellows and it was a beautiful day with great waves!

We went on the lighthouse hike.  Mom and Dad have never done it, so they enjoyed this nice little hike with spectacular views.

The beautiful lookout from the hike.

We went into Waikiki one night for a block party.  They shut down a few blocks and they had vendors selling things like the Saturday Market, plus delicious food and bands playing.

A double rainbow greeted us when we got to Waikiki.

I got my parents hooked on Dexter a few months back.  They were only one season behind the current season when they got here, so I got them got up and then we watched the series finale together when it aired on TV!

I got a sub job and let my parents use my car to go to the beach and hang out.  Unfortunately, at the end of the sub day I got a call from my mom saying they were in an accident.  A vehicle behind them hit them when they driving around 40 mph, which caused them to hit the car in front of them.  Thankfully, no one was injured terribly, but I can't say that about the vehicles.  My car ended up being totaled and for the rest of our time in Hawaii I will be using Kyle's truck and when he gets back we will figure out how to share one vehicle. :)

I took mom to my favorite shave ice place...Island Snow.  Dad had gone when he and Meg came to visit.  She loved it!

I also took them to my favorite Japanese restaurant!  Part of vacationing in Hawaii is the food. :)

Dad collected some plumeria from my street and took them home for Macie.  She LOVED them!  They said she kept holding onto the flowers and wouldn't let go.  So cute.

So thankful they could come visit.  It was definitely helpful to keep me busy with the first two weeks of Kyle being away.  Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. So nice that mom and dad are retired and have the time to come visit. I absolutely love the pic with Macie and the flowers! She is so delighted with them :)
