Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our First Separation of the Year

Well, it's 2013 and Kyle is already gone.  He went to Lava Viper on the Big Island.  He left at 3am/0300 on January 10th and he's already coming back on Saturday, one day sooner than we thought!   When he's gone, I try to stay busy, which isn't too difficult with subbing occasionally, working out, beach days, friends, Bible study, Project Life (I'll do a post on this soon!) and homework, but this is my LAST class! I will complete my Masters on March 3rd! Here's a glimpse into our month so far.

New Bible study.  Ladies, if you have never done a Beth Moore study, all I can say is WOW! She makes you really dig deep and there is 5 days of homework, but it is worth it!

Larissa and I working on Project Life.  We are trying to meet once a week to work on our albums.  If you haven't heard of Project Life click here and watch the video.  I will do a post soon of my completed 2012 album to hopefully inspire you like I did Larissa! :)

This is what I do 6 days a week.  I have been doing the Insanity workout and let me tell you, it does not get any easier! It kicks my butt every day, but I finally am up to regular pushups! 

I also spend a lot of time at the beach alone sunbathing or with Mandee, Marcella, and Maddox. Her husband left last week for awhile, so we've been spending a lot of time together. 

This is what Kyle is up to.  You can see the traces and then the helicopters (I believe cobras) in the back.  Kyle said they were doing medivac training with the helicopters and he was even given a little tour of part of the island in the helicopter.  Kinda nice since it's over $200 to do it in the civilian life.

In the evenings (on days it isn't raining), I like to walk down to North Beach which is only a 5 minute walk from our house.  I love to watch the waves there, as well as the sun set.  


Yesterday, I went into Waikiki with Stephanie and Evan and Mandee, Marcella, and Maddox.  We ate lunch by the beach in the park and then went to the Waikiki Aquarium.  We went to celebrate Marcella's birthday and Maddox's which is today. 

Beautiful fish.  And Marcella spotted Dori from Finding Nemo :)

Mandee and her kiddos!

The 4 year old birthday girl!

And one last picture so you don't think we have sunshine every single day :) This was my drive into Hawaii Kai to go to Costco.  It is definitely the start of the rainy season!

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