Friday, October 26, 2012

I'm alive! I swear!

And I will, no I MUST, keep on blogging! I love sharing our lives with you, but I especially love to be able to look back on my blog posts to see where we've been and what we've done in details I may have not remembered otherwise.  So, particularly Megan, but other friends and family may as well, keep me accountable! As of now I will aim for something called "Thursday Ramblings".  This means that every Thursday, that's right, you heard me, EVERY THURSDAY I will make a post! These posts will be about something I did, something Kyle did, something we did together, something that's been on my mind, something I love, something I hate don't love, or just some random thoughts.  I will start next Thursday so look out :)

Alrighty.  You'd think we'd had a tsunami over here where we lost Internet connection for (make a clear the throat noise) 2 months, but we have had a whirlwind of guests for a total of 6 weeks, so that's my excuse. :) I am going to try my best to sum up the last 2 months with mainly pictures and descriptions. So. Here. We. Go.  

August 18 - August 20
My good friend from Colton growing up, Jess and her fiancĂ©, Joel, came to visit! Sandy (Jess' mom) planned a Hawaii trip with Joel's family for her graduation present from nursing school.  They flew to Maui and then the two of them hopped on over to Oahu to visit us! It was only for the weekend, but it was great having them! 

        Pyramid Rock (on base)                                Took them to my favorite beach, Lanikai.  Jess                                           
                                                                           thought the sand felt like flour.  I thought that was a 
                                                                                                  perfect comparison :) 

On our hike up Olomana.  If you've read previous entries, you know Kyle and I have done this before...and it blows.  It was beyond humid that day (can you tell from our lovely sweat marks).

Jess doing the last bit of rock climbing.  Atta girl!

We made it!!! And the view is always worth it!

We also took Jess and Joel into Waikiki to watch the sunset and we gave them a beautiful sunset.

August 28 - October 1

Dad arrived for his second visit here in Hawaii and we tried to do some new things this time that we didn't get to do last time and there was also a surprise in there...

Klipper Golf Course is on base and the hole dad is golfing at is ranked #1 in the DOD (Department of Defense) courses and I would have to agree. Breathtaking.


Kyle and I walked with Dad for the back 9.  It was fun to finally see the course and we had nice conversation and Dad got a caddy :)

Beach time with Dad (@ North Beach near our house)                 Lookie here! Olomana AGAIN! We 
                                                                                                       made it to the top in 1 hour 6 minutes!                        
                                                                                                       Other people took almost 2! We rock! 

Kyle decided to hike the other two peaks (behind him).  He went super-duper fast so Dad and I didn't have to wait long and I think his expression explains exactly how he feels. 

So, this trip Dad came on was supposed to be back in February, but we didn't have a house on base yet.   He rescheduled his trip for this one and he didn't really think about what was happening on September 7th and it just so happened to be his only grandchild's 1st birthday! After he already made the trip final he realized and was completely bummed :( BUT...Mom had something up her sleeve.  Mom was supposed to fly out on the 10th, well...that's what she told Dad anyway :)

September 7 

I told Dad I needed to go to the commissary, but look who I went to pick up instead! Katrina, Macie, Ty, and Mom! 

Here is what happened next:

So happy to have them here! And on Macie's 1st Birthday! So we had to celebrate!

My friend, Mandee, came over with her two kiddos, Maddox and Marcella because it was Mandee's birthday too!

Before cake we headed outside to play with Maple and Sadie who are my neighbors dogs and there was a little neighborhood get together.  I love where I live :)

Macie trying to blow out the candle!
Playing with the piggy bank Uncle Kyle and Aunt Brittney got her.

Happy Birthday, Mandee!

We also celebrated at Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor.  Macie LOVED her ice cream!

Maddox loved the ice cream too :)

Luau at The Hale Koa (military hotel) in Waikiki.

Getting ready to pull out the pig!

Turtle beach!

Beautiful Sea Turtle

Waimea Bay on the North Shore

Chinaman's Hat rock.  Moms favorite viewpoint on Oahu :)

Hiking in the jungle.  All the way to Maunawili Falls.  Here is a clip of what Ty did there:

We went to Hanauma Bay which was nice since Kyle and I had yet to go there since we moved here!

It's time to look like dorks and go snorkeling

We rented a boat from the Marina on base and took it out to the sandbar in Kaneohe Bay.

Enjoying time on the sandbar!

After Dad, Ty, Kat, and Macie left, Mom and I had some time on our own.  And we babysat Marcella and Maddox :)

I also had a jewelry party that Mom was able to come to and meet my friends! My friend Jenny (who I lived with) sells Premier Designs jewelry and I LOVE IT!

Here are the Blue Angels from my backyard!  The weekend day Mom was "supposed" (you'll see why I say supposed later) to leave.  So Thursday they were practicing!  They were SO loud and so AMAZING!

So, we were going to take Mom to the airport on Friday, but she checked her schedule and her flight was supposed to be on Thursday! So...we got to keep her for another few days till we could get her a flight out. On Friday they had the airshow open for military families, so we decided to go watch when it was less busy than the weekend when it was open to the public. 

 At this point they are only 18 inches away from one another! Awesome!

 This is Juliane.  She is a high school friend who was visiting MCBH because her cousin just had a baby and she was helping out.  So we met up at the airshow!

This is Alison.  She is a family friend of the Durant's.  She lives in America Samoa and teaches and was on Oahu for a conference, so she stayed with us for a couple days.  Mom and here were able to keep each other company while Kyle and I worked which was nice.  And she was able to spend time in an "American" type home, which she enjoyed.  

October 2 - October 9

Darcy and Josh arrived and this was one of the first things we did :)  Kyle's favorite game, Settlers of Catan.

Kyle's parents arrived on the the 5th and wanna guess what the first thing my husband wanted to do after his mother got here.  Bull riding.  You heard me.  Bull riding.  On a mechanical bull you ask?  No.  A real. Live. BULL!!!  Kyle had heard a few of his Marines who went to Waimanalo and paid $40 to ride a bull.  All those Marines were injured.  Why wouldn't Kyle think it was a good idea. ;)  I'm prefacing the pictures to let you know he survived and so did the other Kyle. Kyle's neck is still bothering...I told him I wouldn't feel bad for him, but he knows me too well...I do :)

Oh boy...

  Kyle on Maui Man.  We were pretty far away and couldn't get a great picture, but there he is...

I got a great shot of the other Kyle but that was because they had a professional photographer who had a huge flash and I took it at the perfect time to get his flash with mine!

The bull riders who will never ride a bull again.

We took a day and went up to the North Shore (Pipeline) and watched the waves. 

After the beach we headed over to Waimea Falls! BEAUTIFUL waterfall, but after this I got 24 bug bites! 

I took Josh, Darcy, and Larry to Maunawili Falls too! It's a beautiful hike!

On the night of the October 8th, we went bowling with Kyle's parents and my sister, Megan went into labor! On my last frame, I got the call that my niece, Alexis, was born!

I love her and I haven't even met her :)

On the 12th, Kyle and I headed over on a morning flight to The Big Island to meet up with Rhonda and Larry who flew there on the 9th.  One of the main reasons we went was so Kyle and his Dad could watch The Ironman World Championships.  Kyle's friend, Dain, from college who also did triathlons with Kyle and also did the Ironman in Coeur d'Alene like Kyle and Larry.   

Hanging out at the pool with Dain and Ella.

Peter Jacobs of Australia is the Ironman World Champion! 2.4 mile swim, 114 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run.  Holy smokes!

The last full day we were on Hawaii we went to Volcano National Park

Black Sand Beach.  

Abou the time this photo was taken, Kyle and I were supposed to fly out, but our flight was delayed so we got to witness this beautiful sunset!

After 6 straight weeks of house guests, I guess you could say we were a bit tired of living like a tourist. We were definitely ready to get settled back into our routine, which includes me starting a new job.  I quit my job at the youth center.  I started teaching pre-school which I won't will never, EVER teach again.  Bless those people who teach pre-school, no make that 2nd grade and below.  There was also changes with management and the program did not fit what I had in mind, plus the pay was minimal.  SO...I began subbing again! Today I had my first sub job and I am thankful to be back in the classroom.  Sometimes I feel the longer I'm away from the classroom, the more I'll forget.  But ya know what, I still have it :) The assistant in my classroom today said I did a wonderful job and introduced me to all of the 5th and 6th grade teachers.  I was so grateful!

Along with a new job, Kyle and I have been, well, for lack of a better word, LAZY.  We have been what Kyle calls, "Lazy Bones Jones aka LBJ" :) It's nice to just stay inside and enjoy some beautiful sunsets from our backyard like these:


  1. Such wonderful pictures you have taken to capture memories with friends and family. I so wish Greg and I could have come with the rest of the Adams clan! I didn't know Dain and Karrie were there for the triathlon. How fun is that?! Well Britt, I will hold you accountable for blog posts, and now I am going to go write my own :)

  2. Brittney, I love your blogs! Your adventures in Hawaii are so exciting, and the pictures are always breathtaking! Love the pics of your beautiful niece, she is such a cutie pie! And congrats on the blessing of your second beautiful niece as well!
