Sunday, June 10, 2012

Recent Happenings

I'm still alive, just not posting very often because I've been bombarded with getting thrown into a 40 hour work week, keeping up with school, cleaning house, working out, spending time with my hubby, exploring the island, and just getting down time in general.  Here's what we've been up to:

Olomana Hike

Two weekends ago we went with a buddy of Kyle's from TBS and his wife to do a hike in Kailua (10 minutes from base) that we heard was fun and a bit challenging.  The hike is 1.5 miles and reaches about 1,000 feet elevation.  When you get towards the top they have rope that you use to ACTUALLY rock climb up! It was so much fun! Our friends weren't able to make it because she doesn't like heights...which I don't blame her! I don't think many people could do that! But Dad, Tyler, and Josh...I think you guys would love this!

Kyle and I along the hike and the view is from the very top

Red dirt and see that peak in the back? That was our destination!

And the rock climbing begins

Kyle looking out over Kaneohe

The last steep part before we reached the top

Totally worth it! 

Peak 2 and Peak 3.  We didn't venture to those since our friends were waiting, but supposedly 2 is just like 1, but 3 you need to be a pretty good rock climber. 

Our Views: House and Scenery

Our American flag that we fly proudly :)

View from our mailbox!

View from our driveway.  

View from our bedroom.  We get a tiny bit of ocean through the houses :)

Trying to organize the garage.  We both feel we are a little predisposed to messy/full garages ;) But we bought another shelf to help organize.  We're still in the process, so I'll post pictures when we're done.

Kyle working on HIS office and finally finished (minus two pictures he is having framed).

Another view.  We left enough space for an air mattress to fit in case we get more than two visitors :)

Us :)

After church an lunch with friends

Meeting Stephanie and Patrick's little boy Evan.  Patrick went to TBS with Kyle and Steph and I became friends over there through Bible study and hanging out at our pool.  We are so happy for them :)

My New Job

I started working at the youth program on base with 6-10 year olds and then 11-15 year olds.  Here are a few pictures from the teens group that we took to the bowling alley on base (KBay Lanes) last Thursday.

I told the boys I wanted a picture and then a silly girl jumped in the background :) They're a fun group!

Bowling with the girlies!

Life has been crazy, but in a good way :) Miss you all!


  1. The garage and Kyle's office look great! Can't wait to see more pics of the house :)

  2. Okay, so those views from your mailbox and driveway...even more jealous than I was after your last blog post! AMAZING! Also, please give Stephanie a big hug for me! :)

  3. The hike looks amazing- I'd love to do that one someday. It's fun to see pictures of your place (nice view!), and your new job sounds really great. So glad things are going well for you!!
