Sunday, April 22, 2012

3 Weeks with My Marine and CRAZINESS!

I've been absent for a couple weeks, but I have a few amazing reasons why, 1. My handsome, stud of a Marine, husband came home! and 2. We FINALLY moved into our house. Here's to catch you up a bit on how we spent the 3 weeks we had together before Kyle left again this past Wednesday.  Unfortunately, what I've been hearing from many wives is that Hawaii is a fabulous place to be stationed, but your husband is never home...I'm beginning to realize that.  Anywho, not to make this a depressing post, I will share with you all how we spent our fast 3 weeks together.

Kyle graduated from AAV school on his birthday, March 29. I wish I had pictures, but they on his computer and he took it with him to the big island. But for those of you with Facebook he has an album from his time at school so you can look at them on there. :)  To prepare for Kyle's homecoming I wanted to make him a little treat.  For those of you who know Kyle, you know that he loves Funfetti cake and Funfetti cookies.  I was browsing Pinterest and found a Funfetti Cake Batter Buddies.  They. Are. Delicious. I made half the recipe from the link above and for the life of me could not find almond bark so I used white morsels instead.

Final result, computer pulled up to recipe, and ingredients :)

Like I mentioned in a previous post, Kyle and I wanted to get away when he got home, but he was denied leave, since they had to prep for PTA (can't remember what it stands for).  So we decided to do a little stay-cation in Waikiki instead.  We stayed at the military hotel called the Hale Koa.  It was beautiful! And very close to where my parents time share is, so I am very familiar with the area already :)  We had a wonderful time together.  Even though it was only 3 months, well 6 weeks, it's still an odd feeling being with your spouse again...I couldn't imagine a 7 month deployment! 

Instagram photo! Love this app.  Wearing my new suit enjoying a shave ice! Cherry and Pina Colada. Kyle doesn't enjoy shave ice so I was enjoying this all to myself and about 3/4 of the way through I spilt it on myself! :) Luckily, there was an ocean 100 yards away. 

Frozen yogurt is my new fav! We an ourselves for ourselves for our anniversary. De-Lish!

My friend and old rommate, Jenny, ran the Diva Half Marathon on Sunday morning (the day we left the hotel).  This is an awesome race! PINK everything! Also, the last mile you get a tiara and feather boa! I told Jenny I'd run it with her next year.  Help keep me accountable, folks! We walked to the finish to see her run the last 2 miles and cross the finish line.  Larissa (far right) and her husband, Bill, were also there to support Jenny! These ladies have been such a blessing for me.  

Coming home from the hotel we went to the BOQ (Bachelor Officer Quarters) to stay for 5 nights until we moved into our house.  Here is our view! Ocean and everything! This is the sunrise on the morning of our 2 year anniversary.

We brought Subway subs, Cheetos, and macaroni salad to eat at Lanikai beach for our anniversary dinner. It was beautiful with the moon rising between the Mokes.

So thankful to have had him home for our anniversary! 

MOVING DAY! Can you believe all of our stuff fit in 4 of those crates?! I wouldn't want to imagine how many crates it'd take for my mom and dad ;)

Inside our HUGE kitchen! And Kyle bought me the Starbucks in the left corner of the pic since he had to be at work that morning :) So sweet! 

Eating pizza our first night in and watching The Terminal

Commissary. Stocking up on food :)

The Saturday after we moved in, Kyle had duty :( He is the officer on duty, so if something bad happens then he is the one who is called (i.e. Lance Corporal So-and-So gets a DUI or put in jail for a bar fight). Kyle is responsible to let the next people in line know. I brought him Taco Bell for dinner and visited awhile.  He works from Saturday 7am to Sunday 7am.

This was the beautiful sunset I came home to after dropping Kyle off. View from our kitchen/backyard!

Kyle enjoyed planting in our front yard.  Making it pretty!

Here is our final product :)

We also made a few purchases of Craisglist. A big dresser for our bedroom ( I need to paint it), a smaller dresser for our room (need to paint as well) and then here was our day of Craigslist that didn't quite turn out as we'd hoped...Here is my Facebook post.  I don't really feel like writing about it again ;)

Worst. Day. Ever. Drove to Honolulu to buy a push mower and the lady sold it at her garage sale this morning before we got there. Bought a chest freezer at another garage sale and after driving a ways someone yells at us that the cord is dragging (still not sure if it works). Went to Lowe's specifically to get paint and forgot to pick it up after getting the other things on our list. Drive to pick up a super cute bench (craigslist) for our front porch and after driving 30 miles it decides to fly out of the truck when we are 1/2 a mile from base! Right then I started bawling my eyes out (and haven't really stopped since lol...about 45min ago). Then adding insult to injury, while Kyle went to pick it up off the road I turned his flashers on and then they wouldn't turn turn off. Plus, it scratched the truck and cracked a tail light AND when we unloaded the freezer it tore a hole in my cute shirt. What is happening to us lol?! We are not leaving the house the rest of the day in fear something might happen ;) I am really trying to laugh about it, but tears are still coming out :)

Kyle got his PS3 back and decided to play for about 7 hours one night with Greg Teune and two friends from college, Aaron and Andy.  While he did that, I organized our DVDs and BluRays alphabetically...all 300 of them! 

I also stained the top of our dresser in Dark Walnut by Minwax.  We bought this unfinished wood dresser in Virginia and are finally able to work on it now!

Kyle spray painting the dresser drawers. I've been keeping up with a lot of DIY blogs and a lot of them spray paint furniture.  We didn't have to sand it much before we spray painted with Rustoleum Heirloom White.  It's beautiful!

Here is the picture from Craigslist. I never took one in its original state.

Here is our finished product.  I distressed it a bit too, but it's hard to tell in the pictures. I'll take more once we get it in the house.  

Cute knobs from Hobby Lobby...boy do I miss that place!

We also painted our living room area! I love it! It makes it feel so much more homey :)

Not my favorite job, but glad we finished in one night :)

There you have it.  It was a quick 3 weeks with Kyle, where we tried to balance getting settled into our new, HUGE house and spending time together just watching movies and Game of Thrones (Kyle's new favorite HBO series).  We have the first season, but the second season just started.  We didn't want our time to be so busy with the house, so we tried to relax and do fun things too.  So now that Kyle is gone, well I guess there isn't any excuse to get the house organized ;) Especially since my dad is coming in 6 days! I need to prepare it for him...and I'll need his help with things too ;)


  1. Nice to see your pictures and see that you are settling into your new home! Really like how you did the dresser :)

  2. I am so jealous of your beautiful house and amazing location in Hawaii. I will definitely be encouraging Jordan to put Hawaii down for his #1 spot if he ends up with helicopters! Your house is gorgeous and HUGE, so I guess it was worth the wait to live on base. So excited for you!


  3. Loved getting a look at the house! Dresser turned out super cute :) Excited to see pics of finished rooms once you get to that point!

  4. @ nannygsventues: Thanks! It was our first furniture piece so we are proud with how it turned out :)

    @Megan: Thanks! Hawaii is AMAZING! I'll post more pictures once it's all decorated so you can see the whole house! And the wait was TOTALLY worth it now!

    @ Meg (sister): Wasn't sure how the dresser would turn out, but we're proud of ourselves :) And I'll post pics once more things are up!
