Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our Apartment :)

I know I've been a little delayed on getting pictures up of our apartment, seeing as we are half way through TBS already! I can't believe how fast it's gone...only 95 days left! Not that I'm counting or anything ;) Following are a few pictures of our first apartment/home in the Marine Corps...hopefully next move we'll be in a house :)

Building 25...our home!

A view from the outside! Our bedroom window is the first floor, back left window :)

Now here is a 360 degree of our main living area:

 Here is our front door/entryway, TV with only 1/3 of our DVD collection :)

A close up of the flag in our entryway. We love this! :)

Another view of our TV with the closet door and door to our back porch.

Inside our wonderful 7 foot closet! We don't know what we'd do for storage without this! You're not even seeing all of it!

Our little living room where we spend much of our time watching "Dexter" (our new favorite TV show!)

More of our living room. You can view the hallway to our rooms and part of our dining room.

Beautiful hydrangeas I got from a lady who leads a wives Bible Study. This picture is mainly for my mom because I know she loves hydrangeas!

 Our cute little dining room :)
 Our TINY kitchen! We could barely fit all of our dishes, pots and pans, utensils and food!

Another view of the dining room and hallway 

"Kyle's Hallway". His darn cuckoo clock and military picture. We settled on him putting those up in the hallway ;) The first door is the guest bathroom, to the right is the spare bathroom (you can't see the door) and the door straight ahead is to our bedroom.

Our guest bathroom. Now all we need are guests! Come on family! ;)

Our spare bedroom. It definitely is not livable for guests! Sorry guys! This is another storage area for us! Got laundry, books, desk with miscellaneous paper work and bins full of random stuff we accumulated!

 We also store our bikes in here! We found a great stand for them to save room though! (Pardon the drying rack)
 Our gun safe and a nice closet for Kyle's uniforms, my dresses and our linens.

Our bedroom :)

Different view with our bathroom

We lucked out with TWO closets! Mine is on the left and Kyle's is on the right. It's wonderful :)

Hope you enjoyed looking at the place we've been living! We can't wait for some of you to come see it in person! :) We love you and miss you!

1 comment:

  1. looks great! Thanks for posting pics :) How many square ft is it? If I found a place like that in Springfield I would totally rent it!
