Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February in Review

I'm back after a little "accidental" hiatus.  Long story short, I spilled an entire glass of water on top of my laptop.  I immediately stayed calm and cool sobbed my eyes out.  Kyle remained calm. I took my laptop to a computer repair guy.  They had to air it all out for five days.  I had to re-write my paper that was almost finished.  And in the end, my computer ended up being too damaged to save.  Fortunately, my hard drive was fine and they could save all my school work and more importantly, all my pictures!

 After my little incident I was too distraught to start re-writing my paper, so I got a Starbucks and I rented "Pitch Perfect".  A GREAT PICK ME UP!

Since I was having to use Kyle's computer and did not have pictures, I couldn't write any blog posts, but now now I have a computer and I'm back! Here is a little recap of the end of January and February.

Kyle had made it home from the Big Island a day earlier than he expected.  I had planned going to my good friend, Jenny's baby shower and then Mar and Maddox's birthday party, so...I wasn't there to pick up Kyle.  I felt horrible but he understood how important Jenny's shower was to me...he's great!

Here I am with Jenny (and baby Liam)!

Kyle was awake enough to come to Marcella's and Maddox's birthday! Love them!

Here is Marcella's outfit we I bought her on Etsy!  So stinkin' adorable!

Another magnificent sunset near our home. 

We went on a double-date with Kyle and Aimee to hike Koko Head! 

We hosted a Super Bowl party at our place! Here is Aimee with Rach and Derek, who are our neighbors.  They actually had the movers come today to start packing up :( They are PCSing to Wisconsin next week.  We are going to miss them!

This is Abe and his girlfriend, Courtney.  Check out his shirt! Yep, he's a fellow WOU graduate! 

The rest of the group! 

The FIRST time Kyle's tracs got stuck in the mud this month.  

Jenny had her baby boy, Liam!  Her husband was gone, but made it home the next day! Fortunately,  a good friend of ours has been in the room with a lot of friends labor and delivers, so she was a wonderful help to Jenny!

Happy Valentine's Day! For the day I went with this little girl, Madelyn's mother, Amy! We dropped off her other daughter at preschool, went to grab coffee with another friend, went to visit Jenny and Liam and help her clean up and then we shopped for paint! Yes, paint.  I am going to paint some furniture of Amy's, as well as some of our own.  I am also going to start tutoring Madelyn in reading and writing.

 For Valentine's day Kyle and I already settled on getting cards for one another and getting a couples massage! Well, he came home with a griddle (that he mentioned the night before that HE wanted) and two nerd ropes (one for me and one for him).  He called it a "couples griddle" like our "couples massage".  He cracks me up.  I had also accidently said my maiden name a few days prior so on my card it said, "To: Brittney Durant NOT Adams".  Prior to Kyle coming home from work he had a meeting and he said the Colonel was talking to a bunch of Marines and at the end he told them, "Now go buy your wife a card and flowers."  Kyle said almost all the Marines walked out of the building and headed towards the PX to get cards...including him :) He said there were about 20 Marines looking for cards when he got in there.  Oh, men.

The SECOND time tracs got stuck. This night Kyle and his Marines didn't get home till past 9 trying to get the tracs free.  Poor guys. 

Aunt Julie and Uncle Paul came to visit! After picking them up from the airport I drove them around base and then Kyle said we could visit him on the ramp.  Here we are inside an AAV.  Uncle Paul LOVED it! I'm so glad we could introduce them our lives here in Hawaii on a military base. 

Unfortunately, we had RAINY weather when they were here, but we were still able to go to Pearl Harbor, visit sea turtles, AND...

see Gary Sinise and the Lieutenant Dan Band!  They put on a free concert on base in one of the hangars.  They were very family friendly and a blast to watch!

  Saying goodbye to Aunt Julie and Uncle Paul!  They were off to the Big Island after this!

After dropping them off at the airport, we met some of Kyle's friends and we went to a University of Hawaii game which was a blast!

P.S. I finished my FINAL paper for my Master's Program tonight! I am COMPLETELY done! DONE! I had a huge sense of relief when I sent it in, but I am pretty sure tomorrow I will be thinking, "What homework do I have to do?"  


  1. Oh how I've missed your blog :) Marcella's outfit is adorable! So glad Aunt Julie and Uncle Paul were able to come and visit you. Looking forward to seeing you in less than a week!

  2. Thanks for hosting my parents! I can only imagine how much my dad enjoyed everything Kyle was able to tell him/show him on base!
