Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well, on Thursday I had my quarter century birthday and I am officially half way through my twenties. :) 25 years old!  Can't believe it!  I was a little iffy about how my birthday would go this year without Kyle home...again.  Last year he was in the field and I wasn't even able to talk to him, but thankfully I was able to extend my trip home to Oregon to spend my birthday with family.  This year I didn't have that privilege, but I was definitely surprised with how well my Marine Corps family celebrated my birthday! Here is a glimpse of my birthday :)

I was getting ready for my work day at 7:00am and get a call from my lovely parents telling me Happy Birthday! :) Then I got this text message directly after:

I could NOT stop smiling after that!  That is my good friend Mandee and her daughter, Marcella, and son, Maddox.  Her husband Stu went to TBS with Kyle in Virginia.  They got stationed in Hawaii too, but Stu is deployed, so Mandee and the kids are with her parents in Ohio until they get housing on base.  But guess what?!  They FINALLY got a house and Kyle and I will be picking them up from the airport on the 3rd and they will be staying with us until Monday when they move into their house! I am SO excited and have been waiting for this day to finally come! :)  Thanks again for the text!  It made my day! :)

I headed to work to see the lovely children I work with.  I walk into the room that all the kids get dropped off in.  When I walk in they all scream, "Happy Birthday!" and then they started singing to me! :)  A few minutes later, two sisters (who may be some of my favorites :) ), Grace (8 years old) and Abigail (6 years old) walk in with their Dad and they have a BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers!  I looked at their Dad and said, "You did not have to do that...".  Then he responds with, "Last night they were BEGGING me to let them get flowers for Miss Brittney.  So I took them to Food Land at 9pm."  He smiled and I said, "Well, thank you! I appreciate it!" 

Abigail, Me, & Grace :)

Then after breakfast, we always meet in the gym to separate kids into their groups and tell them our schedule for the day.  I walked in and there was a big box covered in wrapping paper.  The kids started shouting, "Open. It! Open. It!"  I opened the box, dumped it out and there were hand written cards from all of the kids and birthday balloons!  It was such a surprise! 

Happy Birthday To Me :)

After that I took the box into the staff room and look at what I was greeted with!

After lunch I went with the younger group (6 to 8 year olds) to the pool on base.  This whole summer the kids would go to the pool once a week, as well as gymnastic (there is a gymnastics gym on base which is GREAT for kids!).

Belly Flop!!!

Now this is Hawaii for you! Sunny one minute and pouring the next :)

My coworkers (who are mostly Marine wives) made my day SO special! I was not expecting any of that! They truly made my day feel special even though my Marine was gone.  Thank you all!

After work I went to Starbucks to redeem my free coffee! It was delicious!



I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to talk to Kyle or not, since he is still on ship, but he CALLED! :)  Reception was going in and out because he was on the top deck of the ship, but they were close enough to shore to get a bit of reception.  It was so wonderful to be able to talk to him. :)

Last night I had the privilege of going to dinner with some close friends to celebrate my birthday.  We went to a restaurant in Kailua (right outside of base) called The Grove.  I am truly blessed with the friends I have made here...they are WONDERFUL Godly women that I learn from daily :) Thanks for a great dinner last night!

My delicious salmon!

Left side of the table starting in the front:
Stephanie (I met Steph in Virginia.  Her husband Patrick went to TBS with Kyle.  And this was her first night away since having her little boy, Evan, on June 1st)
Amy (I can see her house from mine :) I met her at Bible study and she is an amazing, passionate woman of God! She is a great mentor)
Valerie (I met Valerie back in March at Bible study.  She is a newly wed and we became friends quickly!)
Jenny (Jenny is the gal I lived with for a couple months while Kyle was gone and her husband was deployed.  We miss each other!  And don't tell our husbands, but we miss living together SO much! :)
Right side of the table starting in the back:
Rachael (Rach is my next door neighbor and we are almost one of the only wives with no children on our street :) We love it though!)
Jenny (I met Jenny at Bible study too! We actually had the same skydiving instructor! She's a blast!)
Aimee (Now, this is an interesting story...Aimee's boyfriend, who is also named Kyle, moved to Hawaii a couple months ago.  Kyle's dad, Casey, is my Kyle's dad's boss.  Catch that? ;) My Kyle worked at the company for a little bit after we got married and he'd met Casey through my father-in-law Larry.  Well, Casey came out to Hawaii and Larry told Kyle to get in touch with him.  So we went out to dinner with him and his son, Kyle and his girlfriend, Aimee.  We've exchanged numbers and have been doing double dates which has been fun.)

Free birthday dessert.  Mango/Berry sorbet with blueberries!

Oh! And before Kyle left for RIMPAC, he surprised me with an early birthday present so I could spend my time alone to use it and get it all together!

Thanks everyone for all the birthday blessing and wishes, birthday gifts, and wonderful memories of a birthday I had to celebrate without Kyle!  Love you all!


  1. I really enjoyed reading this post! First of all, those little girls who brought you flowers are ADORABLE. So great to see pictures of your friends to put faces to names :) Glad you had a good 25th bday! See you SOON!

  2. It sounds like you had such a wonderful birthday despite not having "family" around! Happy to hear that things are going to incredibly well for you! Oh, and happy birthday :)

  3. Meg, Those girls ARE so adorable! They were some of my favorites :)

    Jennifer, thank you! It was definitely a great birthday despite having my husband away!
