Monday, June 25, 2012

Friends, Field Trips, & Little Bit Of Home

Boy oh boy, these last few weeks have been fun, but they've flown by! Lately, Kyle and I have been anxious to hang out with other couples to do date nights and play board games!  Luckily, these last few weeks have been accommodating to us. :)  I've also been on a few field trips and Kyle and I have been doing a bit more to the house.  Hope you enjoy the pictures :)

On the Kaneohe Sandbar with our neighbors and their friends

Our neighbors, Rachael and Derek with their friends little guy, Gunnar. (Amanda, if you're reading this, this is the friend who reminds me of you!)

Beautiful Mountains and Sailboat

Hiking at Mokapu'u Lighthouse with another Kyle and his girlfriend Aimee.

Field trip with the 6-11 year olds to the Waikiki Aquarium

The wonder of a child...

Field trip to Kualoa Ranch with the teens.  Jeep ride through the jungle where they filmed part of Lost and Jurassic Park.


After the Ranch we stopped at Chinaman's Hat to eat and hang out.

Field trip with the younger kiddos to Sea Life Park!

Awesome dolphin show! Look at the WALPHIN in the back! Whale + Dolphin...who'd've thought!

Kyle and Kyle :) The OTHER Kyle is...get ready for this...MY Kyle's dads', boss' son :) Larry's boss, Casey, came to visit his son, Kyle, here in Hawaii and invited us to dinner.  We met Kyle and his girlfriend Aimee and have enjoyed their company. :) It's nice to have civilian friends...not that I don't love my military family!

Last Friday night, we went to dinner at a Japanese restaurant at the mall.  I'd been there, but the other three had not.  It's delicious and super fun (as you'll see below).

Kyle and Aimee :)

Cooking our dinner before seeing this adorable Disney-Pixar movie... :) 

We went opening night and were treated with adorable commentary from little children :)

Jenny and her husband, Josh came over on Saturday and we were able to enjoy a BBQ, rootbeer floats, and Balderdash.
Our new, inexpensive chairs for the front porch.

Closer up picture of the adorable pillows.  Funny is VERY windy at our house and has been especially windy this past weekend.  Well, we bought the pillows and chairs Saturday and when I was upstairs lying in bed I thought to myself, "I really hope the pillows don't blow away like our door mat has before."  It was making me nervous hearing the wind, so I went downstairs to check.  I opened the front door and it was pitch dark, rain coming down, and windy as heck...I look to my left and the pillows are gone! I put on my shoes and run outside just picturing them flying down the street somewhere.  I rounded the corner between my house and Rachael's and they were between our houses and almost down a hill in our backyard.  I think I will be making some button straps to sew to the pillow so they can strap onto the chairs from here on out :)

Beautiful mountains from a week ago.  The sun was hitting them perfectly to make all the ridges stand out.  So majestic.

New lanai furniture.  We didn't want metal because it'll rust so quick!  This was on sale at Lowes :)  Now all I need is a little something for the top of the table to decorate!
Kyle and I did some reorganizing of the living room.  The black chair will not stay there.  We were getting a feel for if we buy a new couch, love seat and small chair.  (Loveseat would go where the big chair is).  We didn't think we'd keep it with this furniture, but we like it much better so we are :)
This was taken this morning.  I woke up at 5:45, and for it being a Monday morning I was NOT ready to go to work...and God knew that, so when I opened my blinds this is what greeted me :) Thank you, Lord for your promise! This definitely helped me get through the day :)
Kyle showed around about 20 Chinese Generals who came to see the base.  This is one of the General's :)

Love ya all! Good night!


  1. First of all, are all of these pics taken with your phone because they all turned out beautifully! Second of all, the house is looking great! And third, I can't wait to come visit :)

  2. About half are taken with my phone! You need to get a good phone with a great camera! :) And I can't wait either!!!
