Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Catching Up...

Wow! Life has been crazy this last month! Obviously, since I haven't posted anything since then!!! So sorry guys! I will try to catch you up on what we have been doing :)

Life in the past month summed up in bullets:

  • Kyle and I enjoyed our first couples massage *sigh* I bought the massages for half off on Groupon (an amazing website you should all check out!)
  • My car was backed into by an old man in the parking lot on base :( He was inching back, but there was still some paint damage. It was fixed pretty quickly though and not too much of a hassle with insurance thank goodness!
  • The stock market dropped...A LOT. No fun for our money :(
  • Kyle took me to the Marine Corps Museum which is right near the base. It was a huge museum full of USMC history and had a TON to look at and read!
In front of the Marine Corps Museum
Inside the Museum
  • We found out we will be living in Paradise, aka Hawaii, for the next 3 years! Yippee! I know our family and friends are already looking forward to visiting :) And you are ALL welcome because we also purchased a queen mattress for our guest room!
  • Kyle and I experienced our biggest earthquake EVER (5.8)! Kyle was sitting in the barracks and I was sitting on the couch watching Kathy Lee and Hoda. I never expected to feel that on the East Coast! And boy have we had our share of natural disasters over here! When we first moved out here there was a tornado and then we had hurricane Irene come through a couple weeks ago too!
  • We made a trip to Great Falls Park where there were beautiful hiking trails and falls cascading over high rocks. 
In front of the Falls
  • We are know called Uncle Kyle and Auntie Brittney :) My little brother, Tyler, and his girlfriend, Katrina, welcomed their baby girl Macie into this world on September 7th at 9:08am. Unfortunately, that day Kyle went out into the field to start his 8 day "WAR" (make-believe war where the company is split in half and they fight each other). A couple hours after her birth, while talking to my sister, Megan, I started crying. I was sad that being away makes me miss moments like that. I would have been better if Kyle could have been there to comfort me, but he didn't even get out of the field for 8 more days! So...I pulled at my parents heart strings and they flew me out to Oregon 1 day later! :) I was home for 6 days to be able to spend with my niece and family. Kyle had no idea I was gone until he got home! I knew he was going to be bummed that I wouldn't be there to welcome him home, but I couldn't resist going to meet my niece because I have no idea when I'll see her next. :( Kyle understood. :)
My first time holding Macie!
So adorable!
The parents.
The family minus Kyle and Greg
Love her!
  • The War. I knew the war was going to take a toll on Kyle and all the guys because the weather was ridiculous! It rained non-stop for the first 3 days. Kyle said it's the most rain he has ever seen come down in that amount of time. Then the rest of the time it was hot and VERY humid. Kyle held a position during the war where he was platoon commander. He was in charge of his platoon during the offense. He had to come up with a plan to defeat the defense. Kyle led his Marines to a victory, but he lost 3 men, including himself :( But...his commander told him if it were real life he would have earned a silver star so he was proud of himself ;) Here is an article that was in the Quantico Sentry (a newspaper on base) that was written about Kyle and what happened while he was in command: http://www.quantico.usmc.mil/Sentry/storyview.aspx?SID=5523
  • I have been spending almost every day with my good friend Mandee and her two little kiddos, Marcella (2) and Maddox (8 months). Unfortunately, Mandee and I just met back in July, so we haven't had too much time together. Her husband is in Kyle's company. They still don't know where they will be stationed, but her and I are hoping for Hawaii. :)
The Gliwa's and me!
It's a little dark, but a few wives out for Mandee's Birthday while the guys are gone for the war.
  • PCS (Permanent Change of Station). We are PCSing for the first time and it is ridiculous! I have power of attorney, so I have to make all the phone calls, fill out paperwork, and pretty much plan our move by myself. I had to plan a lot of it while Kyle was at the war, so I had to make a lot of decisions without him. There were definitely tears, but I believe we are set to move our household goods, ship both our cars, our flight out to Hawaii on the 1st, and our lodging in Hawaii until we get on-base housing. I don't understand how people do this every 3 years! I'm sure after a couple moves, they get it down though. :) 
  • Jacob is in Kyle's platoon and his fiance Kayla I have hung out with a couple times (she lives in Maryland). They got married this past weekend and Kyle and I were able to share in their special day. They had a "Marine Corps Wedding" with the sword arch and all! I was completely jealous! Kyle wasn't commissioned by our wedding, so he could not wear his uniform. :( Their wedding was beautiful and it was fun to be able to spend time with some other Marine couples.  
The Sword Arch
The reception was at a beautiful manor in Maryland
The groom, Jacob, is to the right of Kyle.
A few wives with the new wife, Kayla.
  • Yesterday, I met Kyle on base to go to a PCS Mixer. There were Officers who were there to talk to people about being stationed at different places. We were able to talk with a Major who has been stationed in Hawaii for 3 times. Basically, he told us we are going to have a BLAST! :) When we were leaving the base, Kyle spotted some AAV's, so we went to have a look. It was a neat thing to be able to go inside and sit where Kyle will be sitting when he is navigating one of them. 
My handsome tracker in front of an AAV
Sitting where Kyle's feet would go. He would stand up there ready with guns in hand. 

    1 comment:

    1. So, I think I'm actually going to pray that Mandee and her family get stationed in Hawaii because I know that would just be wonderful for you!
