Saturday, March 8, 2014

Our Lives Since January

Hey there!  Sorry I have been absent these last two months.  This blog has just been put on the back burner when I am trying to catch up on my Project Life and then have a life at the same time.  Here's a quick little picture recap of Kyle's and my last two months.  Enjoy!

Mandee and I took the kiddos to hike halfway up the lighthouse hike to try and spot some whales in early January.  We didn't see any that day, but there are plenty of them there now!

 My first day back to school after Christmas break I was greeted with a beautiful sunrise out my front doorstep.

The Pro Bowl always plays in Hawaii.  One day at school I heard a lot of commotion outside, there were people walking by our classroom with big cameras like reporters, and then I realized that some of the professional football players had come to our school to play with the 5th and 6th grade students.  Needless to say, I skipped my lunch that day to go out and watch the kids play and take pictures.

 Kyle's been doing a lot of Crossfit (a type of workout that includes Olympic style lifting).  He LOVES it and wants me to do it with him when he gets back.  I'm also excited to try it!  Kyle's parents, Larry and Rhonda, also do Crossfit and have enjoyed it.

These two celebrated their birthdays in January (they're one day apart!).  We took Marcella to get a mani/pedi and Cold Stone, then for Maddox we took him to the Air and Space Museum at Pearl Harbor and Burger King.  We had a blast :)

Kyle and his friends/co-workers.  They watched the movie Lone Survivor then participated in the workout "Murph" which is named after Mike Murphy (one of the Navy Seals who lost his life).  He used to do the following workout:

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run

They now call his workout "Murph".  People do this for time.  Kyle wore his flak jacket too! Don't ask me how much it weighs though because I don't remember. Kyle completed this workout in 35:11!  Awesome!

For Valentine's I decided to send Kyle "Open When..." letters.  There were multiple different topics and reasons for him to open.  Some specific dates like his birthday and some for days where he is bored or needs a pick me up. 

The Fab 4 (a new nickname I thought we should you like it?) at The Lion King show!  It was an amazing show.  Marcella loved it and Maddox fell asleep with about 30 minutes left. 

Oh, the joys of being a teacher on a holiday!  Love my students even though that is WAY too much chocolate for me!

Kyle and his buddy, Micah in Doha.

 Best.  Mail.  Ever!  Kyle surprised me and at the perfect time because I had just run out of my money from Christmas gift cards.

We were able to have the K-9 unit from on base come and have their dogs and trainers put on a demonstration for the kiddos.  It was simply amazing at how well trained these dogs are.  The kids LOVED it and so did I!

 On February 22, we had a base wide power outage from 6 AM to 6 PM, so Mandee and I planned a fun filled day with the kids.  We woke up and went to Starbucks for breakfast and coffee, traveled to the other side of the island for a little shopping at the outlet malls, then to Waikiki to the Hale Koa Hotel for swimming in the ocean and pool, and finally we stopped to get a little Cold Stone before heading home.  It was a blast!

Finally working on my 2014 Project Life!

Co-workers at a Crossfit competition

I've finally received the first shipment (a footlocker) home of Kyle's things!  We are getting closer!

And finally I will leave you with a little laughter.  The Commandant of the Marine Corps announced a couple weeks ago that they are bringing back rolled sleeves.  A couple years ago they made an order that when Marines wore their desert camis (the light brown ones, during spring and summer) they could NOT roll their sleeves.  Marines were very upset because the look was so sharp and very distinct to civilians.  They were proud of their rolled sleeves.  Spouses were also in love with rolled sleeves because they thought their Marine looked mighty sexy in them!  Here's a picture I saw roaming around the internet after the announcement.  :)

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Halloween to New Years with the Gliwa's

My wonderful, best friend, Mandee and her two kids, Marcella and Maddox, are the three people I can depend on to spend time with me if I'm lonely or need someone to experience and have fun with during holidays.  Here's a little picture recap of this past holiday season from Halloween till New Years Eve (tonight!). 

 Waimanalo has a pumpkin patch that I had heard of, but had yet to go to.  I went with Stu, Mandee, Mar, and Maddox...we had a blast picking out pumpkins in shorts and tank tops.

Happy Halloween!  Our neighborhood on base is like the perfect little town, with cookie cutter houses, quiet streets, sidewalks, and kids can play outside and ride bikes safely.  I walked around with the Gliwa's and watched the little bumblebee and a miniature Tom Cruise from Risky Business trick-or-treat.  It'll be so much fun when we have kids of our own to experience this with.

Mandee and I both LOVE to read and we both LOVE The Hunger Games.  We went to see Catching Fire together and we thought it was fantastic!  "May the odds be ever in your favor."

Happy Thanksgiving! The Gliwa's invited me over and we had a delicious turkey dinner.  After dinner Mandee and I took the kids to see Frozen (the new Disney princess movie) and it was adorable!  I love Disney movies and this was like the classics with lots of singing. :) After the movie, we left the kids with Stu and we drove into Target for Black Friday shopping (they opened at 8pm).  We both didn't have a "must have" item, which made the line we had to stand in that was wrapped around the store a little easier and relaxing to stand in.

An early Christmas gift from Megan, Greg and Lexi!  I LOVED IT!

We had a Christmas tree lighting on base, so the Gliwa's and I went to see and hear the Marine Corps Band play.

Mom came to visit!  She helped me set up my Christmas tree and Netflix had a beautiful fireplace we could play on the TV.  So cozy!

Mom was here on her and Dad's 34th wedding anniversary, so we went to see Catching Fire (my second time and her first), then we drove to Waikiki for P.F. Changs happy hour, then to YOgurt Mama for dessert!

The five of us went on a tour mom and I have never done at the macademia nut farm which is only 30 minutes from our house.  If any of you visit again we will definitely go here!

Wrapping gifts to send to Kyle.  Some of his gifts included a bar of soap, See's chocolate, a Marine Corps T-Shirt, cinnamon and sugar macademia nuts, swedish fish (which he always gets for Christmas), and three $3 DVD's from the movie rental store on base which is closing so they had a mega sale. 

Marcella had her winter dance recital and mom was nice enough to come with me since I told Mar I would already go.  She danced wonderfully!

The week of Christmas, Mandee and I wanted to make it special for the kids since their Dad recently deployed (and also special for us!).  We made sugar cookies together!


They spent the week before Christmas at my house because unfortunately, the day after Stu deployed, Mandee's house flooded!  Her washing machine is on the second floor and when she got home there was water covering the ENTIRE downstairs.  It was so bad. :(  So I let them stay at my house in the guest bedroom.  It was a blast having them at my house for a few days and nights, especially Christmas Eve and Christmas morning (above). In the picture, Stu called on FaceTime when the kids opened their gifts.  

FaceTime with Kyle!!! 

The morning of Christmas we opened gifts, I made streudel (Kyle's family tradition and recipe), we put in a pot roast, red potatoes, and carrots into the crockpot, we watched Turbo (a movie the kids got for Christmas), then we went to the movie theater to see Walking with Dinosaurs, came home to eat our delicious dinner and watch Anastasia, and take one picture with the self time on the camera (above).

Kyle's Christmas was also fun!  As you can tell, he and a few of his friends ordered "ugly Christmas sweaters".  His is great! :)

New Years Eve!  I invited Mandee and the kids over.  We watched Aladdin, then we made dinner (delicious pork chops!), and then we watched The Little Mermaid and made hot cocoa with marshmallows (above).  Since of course, they are little ones, they went home around 8.  And I am finishing my 2013 and ringing in my new year by cuddling in a blanket on the couch and watching Netflix. :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Surviving the Deployment

Well it's officially been over 3 months since Kyle has been gone.  It's not necessarily getting easier, but it is becoming different.  I am finally getting into a routine of my own.  It's definitely been interesting to plan everything around me...I don't have to rely on Kyle's schedule to plan our day, week, or month.  I've had a few people say things to me about "Oh, it must be so much easier without kids to take care of!" or "I'm jealous you don't have to raise kids alone".  I want to tell them I'm jealous they get to hug, squeeze and hold their little ones when I get little human contact.  That I love my alone time, but after a month of having alone time in my house, I am ready for someone or something (a pet...*ahem* Kyle) to fill the space with me.  Yes, children are a huge responsibility, especially having to do it when your husband is deployed, but not having children has it's own difficulties.

I actually had a meltdown a few weeks ago with Kyle.  I had started substituting full time and when I sub we rarely get to talk due to the time difference and the hours he works.  Well, I was dealing with our new house we purchased in Oregon (remodel, paying first mortgage, etc.), starting back at work in a grade level I do not enjoy, and just being plain, old lonely.  He asked if I was okay and I just lost it.  I told him I am tired of being alone.  If you know me, I love my alone time, but I had had enough.  I will do plenty of things...I will go to work all day, go to my workout class, meet up with friends for coffee or go shopping, but when I get home I am alone.  I go to bed alone.  I wake up alone.  I make dinner alone.  Now, don't go feeling sorry for me! But I would LOVE your prayers!  And maybe a cat. You could get me a cat.  I am seriously thinking about it because it would be less work than a dog, Kyle could care less about a cat so he wouldn't be upset, and I would have something in my house that is living and would hopefully cuddle with me when I come home. 

So within these last three months (which have gone slowly and quickly at the same time), Kyle is working in Qatar and he is "bored" and "losing his mind" which are two phrases I hear a lot.  I on the other hand, am trying to stay busy (because I can) to help pass the time.  I got a full-time substitute job at the elementary school on base.  I am in an inclusion class (general ed and special ed together).  It is 1st grade and I am the special education teacher.  If you know me, you know I prefer 3rd grade and above, particularly 5th, so 1st is not my thing.  I have also had minimal experience working with special education students, so this has been a learning experience.  I will be in this classroom at least through the end of February, but they may need me to the end of the school year.  As emotionally and mentally exhausting it can be with my 3 particular students I work with, it is great to have the income and more importantly the teaching experience.

Since Kyle was going on this deployment as an individual, it was very low key since it was me who dropped him off at the airport instead of on base with a company of Marines.  Before walking into the airport, we took one last picture together in the car (below) and then I shed a few many tears.  Definitely not something I would wish upon anyone.  But, honestly that was the hardest part so far! Now we get to talk as well as send pictures via email or text daily, which we are SO fortunate to do so!


Kyle takes pictures for me and sends them for me to document in our Project Life album.  Love him for that!  Here are some pictures from how Kyle passes his time in Qatar and how I have passed my time in Hawaii.

 When Kyle first flew out to the middle east, he spent the first few days in Kuwait.  Here is a view of the sunset.

 A view of Qatar at night.

 Of course, Kyle found Mt. Dew

Eating dinner in the main square.  A little blurry, but I guess they have hookah at every table for people to use.  Very different than the U.S. with no smoking at restaurants!

I have been telling Kyle to read Harry Potter because I love the series.  Well, Kyle doesn't enjoy reading nearly as much as me, but he will listen to book on tape.  He was on book two and I just finished book one (again), so I read the book while he listened to it.

My first care package to Kyle.  Thought I'd decorate a little for Halloween along with some requested items from Kyle and a few treats of my own for him.

Love this picture of Kyle in the city.  They usually get one day off on the weekend, if they get it off at all, and him and some co-workers usually venture into the one major city.

Kyle thought I'd enjoy this picture of him and his buddy at Starbucks...and I do!

 I am still going, going, going in my workout classes.  Trying to get more toned and fit before Kyle gets home!

The big group.  They drove, well Kyle drove, into the desert to see old ruins.  Kyle said driving there is a little bit a lot crazy!

A man with his kids selling some cups (I believe).  I'm so glad Kyle took a picture of this!  I love seeing them in traditional outfits and the girl is in an outfit you would see in the states!

Kyle sitting at his desk, on the Marine Corps birthday, Novemeber 10th, and he wore his fancy schmancy dress blues that I love! He actually had a soldier walk past him and tell him "man, you guys have the best looking uniforms!"

FINALLY got my school badge at Mokapu...I feel official. :)

 They have putt-putt!

AND bowling! How can Kyle say he is bored? ;)

I go to movies by myself and I'm not ashamed of it.  I usually go on base because tickets are only $4.50 and popcorn and a drink is only $5.00.  I went to a matinee on a Sunday to see Captain Phillips.  I told the ticket guy "one, please" and he said, "all by your lonesome?  Well you can go bowling alone too!".  Gee, thanks, but no thanks.  That is good to know about the bowling coupon for future reference though!

Kyle also got to meet Shaq!  Shaquille O'neal and Alonzo Mourning who were doing a USO tour.  He got a signed basketball for me!

 My last pre-Christmas care package.  Unfortunately, I got it together last minute to mail at the beginning of December, so I couldn't decorate it. But I threw in a chocolate advent calendar, some felt garland, and a few mini stockings filled with chocolates, mints, and gum.  I wanted him to decorate a little and have it actually FEEL like Christmas in Qatar.
I hope this gives you, family (especially Kyle's) and friends, a little glimpse into what Kyle is doing and what I am doing to pass my time while he is gone.  If you pray for something, pray for time to go quickly, especially for KYLE!  He gets very bored sitting at a desk...definitely not the type of work he enjoys!  HE is definitely wishing this was a combat deployment, but I am thankful it is not. :)